
Task 1

Legal framework of the use of ICT in ESO      Throughout history, education has been progressing and evolving in order to adapt to the ever changing circumstances of our society and, for some time now, ICT has become a reality in our day-to-day lives, not only as a mere functional instrument, but also as a social and personal tool. As such, and in line with the current legal framework, they need to be included in the teaching and learning process in an integrative, transversal and egalitarian way to try to promote and encourage digital competence, that is, the creative, critical and safe use of information and communication technologies, both by students and teachers.

Task 2

Create a PIC-LIT      Click here or on the image to see the PIC-LIT!      For this activity, students should choose a picture from the Pic-Lit gallery and imagine that it is the last scene of a movie. Then they would need to write a sentence that represents the end of a story and that is appropriate for the image. Afterwards, in small groups, they would comment on their classmates' creations and try to think about what the plot of the film could be.

Task 3

 Create a Voicethread      In this activity, students would have to describe their family very briefly by showing pictures of each member and explaining a bit of information about them. They would have to introduce each person and give some information about their occupation, their appearance and their personality in order to practice the present simple and the vocabulary related to descriptons. 

Task 4

Write a book      Click here to read this book written by Teacher Paloma.       For this activity students will need to write a short story to practice the use of Past tenses. They will create their own book using Tar Heel Reader and they will be able to check this example as a model for their own work. 

Task 5

Create a web page      For this task I decided to create a different blog using Blogger.      It is called FUNGLISH RESOURCES and th ere you will find a compilation of interesting resources to help you learn English and improve each of your language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. If you click through the links in the different pages you will be able to access dictionaries, audiobook services, language exchange websites and much more!      You can access the blog by clicking here , on the name or the picture above.

Task 6

Learning apps      For task number 6, my classmate Neus and I have created a series of activities for a CLIL lesson plan. The topic we chose is "The Economic Sectors", which is a content belonging to the subject of Geography and History and it is taught in 3rd of ESO, according to the Decree of our Autonomous Community.      By using the CLIL methodology, students learn the language (in this case, English) and content at the same time.  In order to introduce the topic, we have prepared two games with Learning Apps. The first one is aimed at revising the classification of different jobs into the three main economic sectors. That is why students have to drag each of them to the right column. When they finish doing the activity, they can check their answers and correct them if there is anything wrong. The second activity is a crossword to revise the vocabulary of the unit. 

Task 7

Google Slides      For task number 7, Neus and I have created a presentation using Google Slides that will work as an introduction to the CLIL topic "The Economic Sectors". In it, it is explained what they are, how many there are, each of the five economic sectors, what they are useful for and what the distribution of the economic sectors in Spain is. 

Task 8

Webquest      For this task, my classmate Neus and I have created a Webquest with activities related to the topic we chose for our CLIL sessions: the economic sectors.  We have displayed our Webquest in a Google Sites we created ad hoc . We thought it would be interesting to do it this way so it is accessible for other teachers that may also want to use it, or even for us to apply it in a real classroom in the future . You can access our Webquest by clicking here or on the picture below.      T he activities we have designed are meant to be introduced in the subject of Geography and History in 3rd of ESO, as the curriculum establishes, but we think it could also be interesting to use it in an English lesson, as the activities allow to practice the reading skills and also to boost our students' vocabulary.       In case you just want to check the document with the activities we suggest, you can find it by clicking here or on t...

Task 9

ESL video      This week, together with my classmate Neus, we have tried a new resource to create teaching materials called ESL Video.       This is a webpage that allows teachers to create quizzes by using already published videos on Youtube, in order to check students' comprehension. Besides, we can also look for other quizzes created by other teachers and filter them by level or topic, in case we do not want to create one ourselves.       By clicking here or on the image below, you can check the quiz we have created: Also, you can access the video and the quiz by scanning the following QR code:

Task 10

Didactic Unit in ISSUU      For this task, we have created an ISSUU document that contains the plan for a didactic unit made up of four lessons. This document could be used by other teachers to plan ahead for their sessions or even by our students if we were using a platform like Aules. It contains the justification for the unit as well as the activities planned for each lesson explained step by step. To access the didact unit in ISSUU, click here  or on the picture below . 

Task 11

 Google Forms     In this task, students will need to complete a Google Forms in which they will practice the 2nd Conditional. First they will have to watch a short grammar video and answer a few multiple-choice grammar questions. Then, for the second part of the task, they will need to get a bit more creative  and answer some short questions imagining what they would be if they were a color, an animal, a song, a food, a place and an object. This form can be accessed down below or by clicking here .  Cargando…

Task 12

Youtube Video      For this activity, I decided to reuse a video-presentation I had created for my students of Spanish as a Foreign Language in which several Spanish Christmas traditions are explained. Students of EFL could use this as a model for developing their own video about some Christmas traditions in other parts of the world. To access the video click down below or here . 

Task 13

Kahoot     For this task, I have created a Kahoot in which students will practice the Past Simple of both regular and irregular verbs through a variety of multiple-choice questions, more theoretical ones and more "practical" ones. To access this Kahoot click here or on the picture below.